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1. practitioners strictly enforce safety production laws, regulations and rules and regulations.

    Every year, the company organizes various departments to collect applicable safety laws, regulations, standards and related documents according to their respective safety production responsibilities, and to make necessary amendments to the safety management system according to the applicable content to ensure the applicability of the rules and regulations. By organizing and carrying out various safety production activities, education and training and professional skills competition, we should be familiar with the rules and regulations involved, and improve the safety awareness and safety literacy of personnel.

2. Employees should be familiar with and understand the safety rules and regulations of enterprises and the operation rules of post safety, and strictly and correctly implement them.

    The company formulates rules, regulations and procedural documents in accordance with national and local laws, regulations and industrial norms. The Ministry of Resources Guarantee and relevant departments carry out four new, re-work, post-secondary, tertiary, full-staff, special subject and daily safety education, carry out professional and technical training for special work, train safety operation rules and conduct education and training in special work. Examinations are conducted on the spot after the training, and the effect of safety training is evaluated to ensure that the practitioners are familiar with and master the relevant systems and operating procedures.

3. each post is skilled in position security skills, and can correctly identify potential safety problems and exceptions.

    Every year, the company is led by the Ministry of Resources and Security. All departments and departments organize employees to identify and evaluate the environmental factors and hazards. The purpose is to make employees understand the hazards involved, understand the hazards and consequences caused by unsafe operations, strengthen safety awareness and implement safety correctly. Complete rules and regulations and operation procedures.

4. practitioners know that due to the harm and consequences caused by unsafe behaviors, a good behavior standard is formed.

    The company organizes the staff of each post to watch the safety incident video at the safety meeting, analyze and summarize the accident lessons. In the tertiary education, the internal teacher team carries out safety education and training at the company level. In the training courseware, accident cases are regarded as an important training content, and the harm and consequences caused by unsafe behaviors are analyzed and explained in depth, so as to promote employees to develop good behavior standards.

5. establish a system for assessing employees' behavior and implement effective monitoring and correction methods.

    The company establishes the responsibility system and assessment system for production safety, establishes the reward and punishment system for production safety and the accountability system, standardizes the operating standards for production safety, improves the safety awareness of employees, stops and eliminates unsafe behavior and unsafe state, and avoids all kinds of accidents.

6. To equip the workers with safety protective articles matching the working environment and the working risk, the employees can wear the labor protective articles consciously according to the national or industrial standards.

    According to the national and industrial standards, the company formulates the "Labor Protection Products Management System", and each department formulates the wearing standards of labor protection equipment for each type of work according to their respective production process characteristics and occupational hazards. As a rigid rule, the personnel who enter the scene must obey the execution without any conditions.

    As a daily reminder, all departments also make standard employee photos with labor insurance appliances into Kanban board posted near the entrance and exit of the production site for self-examination and control of personnel entering the production site. In addition, the company through all levels of education and Safety Supervision checks to promote staff compliance with the system, the correct wear of labor protection supplies.

7. Employees have a self-conscious and safe attitude, have a strong self-discipline, can do not hurt themselves, do not hurt others, not be hurt by others, do not make others hurt.

    Companies and departments regularly carry out various safety activities (training, assessment, competition, exchange activities, etc.), and constantly enhance the safety awareness of employees. Operating in strict accordance with the operating rules on the job, with strong self-discipline and teamwork spirit, so that the four do not hurt.

8. take an active interest in team safety performance, keep alert and report on insecurity issues.

    All kinds of activities in the company emphasize keeping the team's safety performance in mind and creating a safe working environment through their own safety behavior and the discovery and supervision of unsafe behavior around them.